How do you eat an elephant?
The proverb “How do you eat an elephant? One piece at a time.” has been attributed to wise thinkers from St. Francis of Assisi to the Bishop Desmond Tutu. Its lesson is timeless and useful when taking on seemingly impossible tasks.
When you start a new project or a really big project, it is daunting. Contemplating the time, energy, dedication and sacrifice necessary to complete the project may have you either delaying the start or giving up before you even get started. While it is important to have the big project or big goal in mind, it is equally important to break it down into doable parts. By doing so, you create moments where you can celebrate tiny victories, measure progress and this mammoth task eventually becomes a very accomplishable goal.
How do you start? When you set a major goal for yourself, such changing jobs, set the finish line first, then work backwards. If you give yourself six months to get a new job, divide this timeline into smaller bits, maybe weekly, biweekly and/or monthly. List all the tasks you need to do to meet this goal and put them on the timeline. If you are looking for a job, give yourself two weeks to update your resume, then budget time for networking and applying for jobs. While you set those milestones, set aside time for celebrations along the way. Re-working your resume is not everyone’s favorite task, so when you get your resume set, celebrate! You are one more bite towards your goal!
Additionally, as you work towards these goals, it is important to build in flexibility and grace. Growth is not linear, there will be setbacks. Maybe you do not get an interview, maybe you get an interview but not a job offers. Every experience is a learning opportunity, whether it is a step forward or a setback. What can you learn about this moment, and do you need to readjust your goal?
Coaches are trained to work with clients to create bite sized goals while working towards your greater goal. If a client says they want to discuss changing jobs, a coach leads you through the process of narrowing down your topic to a doable chunk. We work with you to narrow down your goals for the day into something you can accomplish, then we will work with you to develop a plan to carry it out.
Whether you work with a coach or on your own, dedicate time to break down your goals into bite sized pieces. Doing so makes a big task less intimidating, creates a road map and plan for your goal and helps you to enjoy the journey along the way. Afterall, the best part of a good meal isn’t the meal itself, but each individual tasty bite!